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章丘市先达商贸有限公司 |
公司基本信息 |
先达绿色照明坐落于美丽的泉城-章丘工业园,紧邻济青高速公路、京沪铁路交通十分便利。为适应市场需求,响应国家节能减排政策,推广绿色照明,从上世纪九十年代年公司开始从事节能灯照明的研发与设计,生产与销售,现已批量生产,质量达到国际认证标准。 我们的主要产品系列有:U型节能灯(2U 3U 4U 6U 8U);半螺旋型(小、中、大)节能灯;全螺旋型(9管径、12管径)节能灯、低频(环形、矩形、一体化)无极灯系列;厂房灯;投光灯;吸顶灯;庭院灯;镇流器系列等。以长寿命、高光效、高效节能,绿色环保等特点,受到了大多数客户的高度青睐。 公司本着质量为企业生命的经营方针,以良好的产品质量及卓越的企业信誉,赢得客商的信赖。诚信为本,质量优先,是我们的生产理念。我们以更高、更严的工作作风要求自己,创造更优、更精的产品,为辉煌的明天而不懈努力! 先达宗旨:质量好的,用户至上; 先达目标:追求卓越,创造*流; 先达口号:员工至亲,客户致尊; 先达精神:质量求生存,环保为使命; 先达信念:建设*流环境,培养*流人才; 生产*流产品。提供*流服务。 Zander Green Lighting is located in the beautiful city of Jinan,Shandong,which is one member of Zander Group. We are a high-tech enterprise integrating R&D, Production, Marketing and Service of green lightings,including energy-saving lights and induction lamps . In order to meet the market demand and response to energy conservation and emission reduction policy, we promote the green lighting from the 1990s.Now our products can achieve the international certification standard. Our best sellers are as follows, U energy-saving lamp (2U, 3U, 4U,6U,8U); Half sprial light(S,M,L); Full sprial light(Ø9, Ø,12);Induction lamps;High bays;Flood lights; Road lamps;Tunnel lamps;Denfence lamps;Garden lamp;Clean engry lighting.They are famous for their longer life,better luminous efficiency, higher and greener energy-saving and so on characters among our clients at home and abroad. Zander is in line with quality as the enterprise life's management policy, with good product quality and excellent enterprise reputation to win the trust of customers! |
商业信息 |
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